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Natural Resources

The natural resources of the valley of Agiasmata


The mineral water

The water of this thermal water source follows a course from the surface of the earth to lower geological strata to the depths of the earth. During this process it is heated and stored when it encounters impermeable rocks.

On its way to the subsoil it comes in contact with various geological formations and is enriched with minerals, trace elements and salts that make it suitable for therapeutic purposes.

Jacuzzi 2-7 ατόμων | Θέρμαι Αγιασμάτων | Ιαματικά Λουτρά | Αγιάσματα | Χίος

The Sea

The seawater is rich in traces of magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium and iodine, substances necessary for the proper functioning of human organism. As we know calcium is good for growth and strengthening of bones, whereas iodine plays an essential role in the proper functioning of the thyroid.

There are several ways for the human body to take the beneficial substances of the sea water. The taking with inhalation (inhalation therapy) seems to be the most effective. A person simply inhales suspended in the air micro droplets of sea water generated by the movement of the sea and waves.


Φυσικοί Πόροι | Θάλασσα | Θαλασσοθεραπεία | Εισπνοθεραπεία | Ιαματικά Νερά | Αγιάσματα | Βόρεια Χίος


The natural environment

Judging on the basis of some specific plants and trees it is obvious that even at higher points of the sides of the valley, particularly on the west side, there is water, which is documented by the small water sources that you meet on the road going down.

The vegetation becomes denser at the lowest point of the valley crossed by the river Arvanos, which gives way to rain waters to the sea.

Φυσικοί Πόροι | Πανίδα | Αγιάσματα | Χίος